Thanks to my clients for the photos in this post.
The Design Brief
My clients had a long, narrow, flat garden laid mostly to lawn, in Beckenham. They wanted more privacy – both visually and from the noise of the adjacent road. They had just added a modern extension with bifold doors onto a patio, and wanted to improve the view from it. They were a couple with adult children, liking to sit outside, to entertain, hold occasional parties, not serious gardeners but wanted some space to grow vegetables.
The garden faces northwest, so they liked the idea of a pergola or small garden building, halfway up the garden, where they could sit in the sun. They needed a shed to hold the mower. They also wanted a space for herbs near the house.

In the photo you can see the shape of the design marked out. I chose a diagonal design to make the garden seem wider.
Here is the final design, with a small patio 2/3 way up the garden, where there is a pergola and also a shed hidden behind it. There is an arch next to this patio, leading to the vegetable growing area and some meadow at the back. There are extra trees to screen the view of neighbouring houses, and the fence on the left is a new acoustic fence. I also recommended replacing the fence on the right with a featherboard fence to match.
Beds were dug out and a hedge put in as well as a new acoustic fence added.
Then paths and patio were dug. A small landscaping team of two started work in October.. The path to the right was stepping stones, so the holes had to be carefully dug out of the turf.
Then paving was put in, leaving gaps for the pergola posts, and working round existing trees.
The pergola went up first before the shed.
Then the shed was built from a kit, to fit almost behind the pergola – it would be hidden from view from the patio.
The lattice screen hid the remainder of the shed and provided support for climbing plants.
This is the garden so far, awaiting some shrubs and an arch.
Here is what it will look like eventually, when planted up and when the trees have established.
This is the view through the new arch to an urn, showing what became the shed and pergola on the right.
Here is the view from the back fence, looking over a meadow area, to a bench and raised vegetable beds, a relaxing solitary spot.
I hope you found this a useful step by step guide to what landscaping a new design involves. So you know where the money goes!
If you have garden plans, best of luck this season in making them happen.